This is for players who use Steam Input or third-party controllers or both (I use both). The main issue is that native DualShock 4/DualSense support is not enough-you also need an option to manually change the controller prompts for all controllers. One of the two should be in every game, someone should write an article about it and spread it on Twitter for all developers/publishers to see. Even using the Steam Input API controller detection and prompt display feature is fine with me. I don't understand why all developers simply don't add an in-game option to change prompts to their games, it solves all issues right away. Yeah, I'm always requesting in-game PS4 prompts for games that don't have it. Capcom has never been good at this since DMC 5 doesn't have PS prompts, but thankfully there's a mod for it. A lot of games nowadays have dualsense and DS4 prompts so that's nice, sad to see there still isn't one for this game. Originally posted by Christumas:lmfao to this day I'm still OCD about PS prompts on older games.